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Why Habit Based Fitness Goals Are Better Than Results Based

In the world of fitness, gyms and personal training, setting goals is a common practice.

Many individuals start their fitness journeys to achieve specific results, like losing a certain amount of weight or gaining muscle mass.

While results-based goals have their merits, a growing body of evidence and success stories advocate for a shift towards habit-based goals. In this post, we will explore why habit-based goals are better than results-based goals in the world of fitness.

Reaching Goals

  1. Sustainability Over Short-Term Success: Results-based goals often focus on short-term outcomes, such as shedding a certain amount of weight within a set timeframe. However, these goals can lead to unhealthy habits, extreme diets, and unsustainable workout routines. On the other hand, habit-based goals encourage the development of sustainable lifestyle changes. Establishing consistent habits, like regular exercise or maintaining a balanced diet, helps with long-term success rather than just a fleeting achievement.

  2. Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome: Results-based goals tend to fixate on the destination, disregarding the importance of the journey. Habit-based goals shift the focus towards the process as well as daily routines. Instead of obsessing over a specific number on the scale, individuals concentrate on the habits that contribute to their overall well-being. This shift in mindset fosters a healthier relationship with fitness, promoting a positive and gradual approach to achieving the desired results.

  3. Building a Foundation for Success: Habit-based goals lay the groundwork for success by establishing a strong foundation of positive behaviors. When individuals focus on incorporating healthy habits into their lives on a daily and weekly basis, these behaviors become second nature. This not only enhances the likelihood of achieving fitness goals but also ensures that once the goals are met, people have built the habits necessary to maintain their results over the long term.

  4. Adaptability to Change: Life is dynamic, and unexpected challenges often arise. Results-based goals may become sources of frustration when unforeseen circumstances hinder progress. In contrast, habit-based goals are more adaptable to change. If a setback occurs, individuals with habit-based goals are better equipped to adjust their routines while maintaining overall consistency. This adaptability promotes resilience and prevents the discouragement that can come with setbacks.

  5. Cultivating a Positive Mindset: Habit-based goals contribute to the development of a positive mindset. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, individuals see them as opportunities to reassess and refine their habits. This mindset shift reduces the likelihood of frustration and disappointment, fostering a healthier relationship with fitness and promoting mental well-being.

In the pursuit of health, fitness and wellness, the emphasis on habit-based goals over results-based goals is gaining momentum for good reason. By prioritising sustainable habits, focusing on the process, building a solid foundation, adapting to change, and cultivating a positive mindset, individuals can achieve lasting success in their fitness journeys. Remember, it's not just about reaching the destination; it's about enjoying the journey and building a healthier, happier life along the way.

Training with your personal trainer

Here's how to change the five most common results-based fitness goals into habit-based alternatives:-

Results-Based Goal:

Lose 3kg in One Month

Habit-Based Goal:

Establish a daily routine of activity, such as walking, jogging, or cycling.

Results-Based Goal:

Squat 80kg by the end of the year. Habit-Based Goal:

Commit to strength training 3x/wk with a focus on squats.

Results-Based Goal:

Run 5k in under 30 minutes.

Habit-Based Goal:

Start running 2-3x/wk while focussing on increasing your pace from week to week.

Results-Based Goal:

Get a toned core in 6 weeks.

Habit-Based Goal:

Integrate core work into your training schedule 2-3x/wk.

Results-Based Goal:

Reduce body fat percentage by 10% in 10 weeks.

Habit-Based Goal:

Increase general activity levels, decrease processed food intake, reduce takeaways and alcohol consumption and improve the quality of nutrients you're eating.

By shifting the focus from immediate results to cultivating healthy habits, these goals prioritize sustainable lifestyle changes, contributing to long-term fitness and overall well-being.


If you need some help creating a healthy habit based routine then come and visit our personal trainers- you can book in for a free trial and consultation or a group personal training session using this link.

We're on the Hove end of Shoreham Port, just a stone's throw from Hove Lagoon!

Our split level personal training studio

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