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Portside Updates

Hey Guys!

We’ve been in the studio for the best part of 3 weeks now so it’s time for an update!

As a lot of you know, we got into the studio very quickly, leaving little time to implement some of our new plans.

So now we’ve settled in, it’s time to get phase one under way..

From 28th September, bookable slots will be available for our clients to come in and train by themselves. Current clients will be given an option to buy a ‘Just Gym’ membership alongside PT or Group sessions at just £25/month. We only have 20 spaces available for memberships so if you are interested, please let us know ASAP and we’ll get you on the list.

Our booking system will allow 2 slots per hour to limit the number of people in the gym at any one time with limited times, so please do check with us in case you have any questions whatsoever. You'll be able to book these slots through our website for the time being until our app is up and running!

To keep up with opening hours and growing demand we've taken on our newest addition, Ben! He'll be in the studio most days so I'm sure it won't be long until you all meet him!

Did somebody say Group Sessions!? Phase 2 will see the launch of our Group Training sessions so keep your eyes open to see our offerings, prices, features and benefits around the start of Oct.

Last but not least, don’t forget about our referral scheme! You'll earn 1 free PT session for every referral who attends their trial session.. and if they sign up then you earn another one!

Thanks for reading our update and we can’t wait to see you in the studio soon!!

Lots of love

Timmo & Phoebs

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